STEM with CS
STEM with
Computer Science
What's Unique About STEM with CS
I. Curriculum
Computer science is more than just learning how to program. It’s also about learning how to succeed in a high-technology and socially interconnected world, embracing exploration, discovery, creation, collaboration and problem-solving. Unlike coding programs that teach short programming courses or computer architecture concepts, our program aims to teach skills such as creativity, algorithmic thinking, impact of computing and more.

The program enables computational thinking by incorporating practices such as developing computational artifacts, using abstraction and models, using structured problem-solving, and analyzing problems and artifacts. It also encourages 21st century skill sets such as effective communication and collaboration skills.

II. Pedagogy
In traditional educational programs, students sit and listen to lectures. Our program is different because it uses a learning-by-doing pedagogy that:

  • Provides numerous opportunities to differentiate instruction so each student can work at their instructional level
  • Enables students to construct explanations and design solutions
  • Immerses students in the problem-solving process
  • Asks students to collaborate while solving computational problems
  • Helps students develop fluency with computational concepts, practices, and perspectives
  • Promotes 21st century skills such as teamwork, communication, collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving skills
Total STEM Classroom Solution
III. Total STEM Classroom Solution
Our curriculum seamlessly combines a comprehensive academic-based curriculum, integrated technology solution, and STEM pedagogy. The classroom solution contains the perfect balance of classroom learning and activities and self-paced student learning and activities.

Our courses:

  • Progress through higher levels of complexity
  • Help students reach higher levels of comprehension and skill acquisition
  • Our STEM Computer Science and Coding program includes Comprehensive STEM Teacher Training
  • Course Pacing Guide
  • Teacher Notes and Lesson Plans
  • Student Challenges and Activities
  • Resource Guides
  • Videos
  • Reference Documents other Supporting Tools
  • Assessment Tools
Comprehensive Teacher Training
IV. Comprehensive Teacher Training
Each teacher needs to complete a thorough training and certification process to ensure they are ready to teach with the educational technology. Our teacher training and preparation process includes:

  • Building teachers’ awareness and confidence in course-specific technology
  • Access to curriculum
  • Pre-training assessment
  • End of course knowledge assessment
  • Authentic assessment technical exam
  • Teacher implementation guides
  • Optional technical support and teacher implementation videos
  • Certification by Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Academy
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